Wednesday, April 15, 2009

15 month check up

Luke had his 15 month doctor's appointment yesterday. He was sick at his appointment so it was kind of a rough one, but the good news is he is a growing boy and doing just great. He had grown height-wise a lot in the last three months. He was 24.5 pounds (48th percentile) and in the 78th percentile for height (can't remember the exact inches). 

He is a healthy, growing boy and we love him so much. I love this age. He is at such a fun time, I have said this so many times but I seriously wish I could just freeze him in time and always remember him this way. He is such a sweet, silly, funny, determined, fearless, and loving little boy. He has always loved giving kisses and he has recently learned to give closed mouth kisses which is a little less slobbery! He loves to snuggle up with us in bed in the mornings and gives us kisses after kisses. 

He is learning so much. It's like the last few weeks I all the sudden feel like he really understands what we are saying when we are talking to him. I can tell him to go get something and he usually knows what I am talking about. He points to people and objects when we say their names. He doesn't really say any words other than mama, mom, dada, and dad too much, sometimes "yeah", but he babbles a lot, his favorite is "Duba Duba". Duba Duba can mean many things. But I'm sure once he decides he wants to talk he will be talking quick. We love him so much! I've always heard this, but I can't imagine how I will ever love another baby as much as I do Luke, but I know I will. It will be really fun to see Luke with this new little addition to our family and I am excited for him to have a little sister to play with. We love our boy so much and are so blessed to have his sweet spirit in our lives! I have to say, my baby is the cutest and the best. :)

He loves to ride in his car and play with his "tiger" (it's really a cheetah or a lepard but somehow we got calling it a tiger when he got it and it has stuck!)

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