Thursday, August 9, 2012

A child's prayer

Last night Luke was saying his personal prayer before bedtime and I was eavesdropping. Here's how it went:

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for all the beautiful things in the world. I'm sorry you are dead. I love you. Amen."

Ohhhh. It just melted my heart while also making me bite my tongue so I wouldn't laugh out loud. Sometimes kids say the sweetest things that really make you remember how sweet and innocent they really are. He seems so old these days, he's a big four and a half year old and is getting so rough and tough and suddenly has this obsession for wrestling. But it's these little moments that he is still learning and growing, still my little boy, and still so sweet.

After he was done saying his prayers I went to him and gently told him that Heavenly Father and Jesus aren't dead, they are just up in heaven waiting for us to come back to them someday.

Then this morning I overheard Luke and Halle talking and Luke said, "Halle, did you know that Heavenly Father and Jesus aren't dead? They are just up in heaven waiting for us to return."

So cute. 

I love the little things about being a mom.

As I was writing out that little story I picture kept coming to my mind of when Luke was little and saying his prayers. I couldn't remember how old he was exactly but I started digging around in my computer picture files and finally found it.

 Is that not the cutest thing? It was taken right before Halle was born, so he was about 18 months old. So crazy how fast they grow.  Again I am reminded to cherish the little things. :)

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