Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cutest brother and sister

These two are the cutest little friends. They were playing extra cute tonight, playing for about two hours straight without any little tiffs. They had probably about thirty stuffed animals and dolls all set up that were their "babies" and they were playing mommy and daddy. Then they had me record a video of me singing "silent night" on my phone that they could play for their babies for a lullaby to put them to sleep. 

After awhile they ran in and told me that for Christmas they want rings they can give each other so they can get married. Oh so cute. They haven't talked about marrying each other for awhile...I think they both have kind of caught on that brothers and sisters don't marry each other. But I thought it was so cute that after they played together for so nicely tonight that they were back to thinking that. So sweet and innocent. 

I love these kiddos so much! They make me so happy and I feel so lucky to be their mom. There's nothing else in the world I would rather be. I know I am by no means a perfect mom but I hope they understand how much I love them and that they are the most important things to me on the world. ❤️

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