Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First day of 2nd Grade

Today was Luke's first day of 2nd grade! Where in the world has the time gone? He is growing up way too fast! 

Summer went by in a flash and I'm sure going to miss having him home with me all day. He is such a good boy and we think he's so great and just love having him in our family. As sad as it is seeing him grow so fast it's also so great and fun to see him learning and growing and turning into such a good "big kid." 

He wrote his sign! 

He's also turning into quite the goofball. He had to strike all these silly poses before we could get the one above, haha.  

There were a bunch of different superhero and boy backpacks to chose from at the store, but when he saw this BYU one be had to have it. He loves BYU like daddy. I told him he could pick out a pencil box or bag to keep his new pencils and erasers in, and when he saw this one he HAD to have it. Luke LOVES anything with combinations. He thought this was super cool. 

Lined up for school this morning. What a big guy! 

He came home after school with not much to say about school, so I had to pry it out of him! (And threaten he'd loose balls out of his reward ball jar of he didn't tell me some details about school, haha). But then he told me some things and it sounds like his teachers will be great and it will be a good year. He is doing the Chinese immersion program still, which he really likes. We felt like he learned so much Chinese already last year. It will be fun to watch him as he learns more this year. 

We sure love this boy. He is kind, smart, and good. What more could a parent ask for. What a great child to be the oldest in our family for our younger ones to look up to. We love our Lukey guy! 

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