Sunday, September 19, 2010

Luke's "firetruck" pronunciation

Luke really likes firetrucks. The problem is, he has a hard time pronouncing the word. For some reason, he gets the "uck" sound at the beginning of the word adding an "er" at the end of it and leaving the "f" in the beginning, and puts a "p" before the "uck" at the end of the word. So, the word "firetruck" comes out "_uckerpuck" (with an "f" in the beginning). I am not kidding! We have tried saying firetruck really slow with him so he gets it but we are having no success. If we break it into two separate words and first have him say "fire" and then "truck" he can get it, but as soon as we have him say it altogether it goes right back to "_uckerpuck"!

I thought it was just funny and wasn't too worried about it, I mean, how long can this pronunciation go on? But then in church the other day I had brought a puzzle for him to do during sacrament meeting. The puzzle has all sorts of rescue vehicles like an ambulance, police car, police motorcycle, and, of course, a firetruck. I didn't think anything of it at first, until, in a very loud voice, Luke said, "look, mom, a _uckerpuck!" (fill in the blank with an "f".) I tried shushing him, but he kept saying it over and over! Luckily, there were two teenage boys sitting right behind us and they were getting a kick out of it and laughing very hard. It was loud enough that I'm almost sure other people around us must have heard him but no one else acknowledged it other than these boys. It was pretty funny. Who ever thought you'd heard that word, as plain as day, in sacrament meeting? We'll keep working on it with him!

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