Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Luke says the funniest things

Luke has been saying the funniest/cutest things. I have been jotting down some of them over the past month or so. Here are a few of them...

Luke came out into the kitchen on day with his blanket wrapped around his neck and said, "Mom, look at my scarf. It was way cheap, like ninety five bucks!" The night before I had been talking to my mom about a sale and how cheap things were that we had gotten, his radar ears picked up on that and before we knew it he had a "cheap" scarf.

One day Luke was helping me throw something away and I thanked him for helping me. Luke responded with, "My treasure." I wasn't sure what he meant or if I had misheard him. So I asked him what he said. He responded with, "It was my treasure, mommy." Ohhhh. He meant “My pleasure!” Such good manners...but I have to admit I didn't teach him that one. He must have learned it from a TV show or something! :)

Halle has been getting into trouble more and more lately and has decided she loves drawing on the walls, even though we have told her many times it is a "no no" and given her plenty of time outs for it. The first time she colored all over a wall it was at the bottom of the stairs and Luke was the first to discover it. I had no idea she had done it and they were both on their way down to the basement to play. Then I heard Luke say in a very calm and sincere way, "Uh oh, Halle. That is a very pretty picture you drew, but we don't color on the walls." I was cracking up, it was so cute how he said it. And I was amazed at how he worded it. I had said those same type of words to him a long time ago when he first colored on a wall back when we lived in my Grandma's basement probably about a year ago. Unlike Halle, Luke did it once or twice and after us telling him “no” and a time out he never did it again. So I really hadn't said anything like this to him since then. I couldn't believe he remembered my exact wording! It was really cute and really surprising to me how much they remember so young!

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